Tag Archives: Living


26 Nov

I know I still owe you several posts about our weekend but it’s Thanksgiving and I am contemplating on the things I am grateful for.  I’ll be honest enough to say I haven’t been really consistent on being grateful everyday so today, I am taking this time to really think about the many things I am thankful for.

  1. I am thankful, of course, for family and real friends who stood by me and loved me without question.
  2. I am thankful I have access to the basic necessities of life – I work for it, but I am thankful nonetheless.
  3. This year, I am most thankful for a major lesson I learned about life and friendship.  It was painful to go through, but the wisdom I gained was priceless!

I can list a hundred more things I am grateful for but I’ll leave it at the major things and will remind myself to have an attitude of gratefulness everyday!

What are you thankful for?